Saturday, July 25, 2009

Green Beyond the Ordinary.

Leo Installation was okay? Finally , our effort paid off . But the fun part was ofcourse seeing friends in their most formal attire, having a gathering with a bunch of juniors(which is us) and living a whole plastic- free life....

which is going GREEEN . (:

More pictures are on my facebook. =)

A good day , so lets make it green . (:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sweet , creamy and puffy. =)

Our kuih bahulu ala cup cake turned out to be SUCCESFUL. (: I wanna try the apple pie Bassilea's group made. Looked really yummy. The whole KH masakan room was filled with chocolaty aroma. At first it was heaven but too much of the smell makes me full.-and disgusted. I don't know why. Chocolate makes pple high. Its proven scientifically on Joyee and I , myself but without chocolate , Aiman is still hyper. =='

Yappy time.

Hafizah ! >>>>>>>>>>>>* points*(inner joke)
He called me and Pui Ling again. He sat on Eli's table and we marked on it. Joyee was daring enough to touch the part Yucky put his whole butt on . -it was wet too !Had this stupid simulation on some neighbours having some quarell then to the court and blabla bla.Wei Yong is super hilarious. He was like "MARI KITA PERGI KE MAKHAMAH HAHHAHAHA!! "

I give up.
If that Yappy or Yucky or Pinky or wtv his name is , gonna call me again, i'm gonna look him straight in his eyes an eat him up like how i ate my creamy icing cupcakes.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Adakah negara kita mempunyai kebebasan bersuara?

-thats the stinkin question he asked me.
I was like thinking and thinking and thinking....and said YES.

The whole Yappy time was horrible.

Why does he always call my name? Sometimes I wish if I could change my gender or at least not called MAYKWAN. I felt like murdering him.Strangle him.Burn him to pieces. Stuffing his eyes with chilies.

Mindy's cold therapy works. Yappy ignored her . But diverted his attention to Michelle. Sad case.Pui ling kept giggling. Wei Yong laughed like crazy. The whole class was insulting Yappy.

why dont he just give up on his job.-AND NEVER COME BACK.


P.s : PMR IN 90 DAYS. and I kept getting busier and busier.

I.U day , anyone ?

Friday, July 10, 2009

The least I can do is to accompany her.

I know she's been in a dilemma , and having some personal issues.
I know she's really tensed with the surroundings and still need to tackle with her responsibilities.
But juggling with work and personal issues ain't so simple.
Especially having miscommunication and conflicts around.

I wish I could help. But all I could do is listen or probably being shoo-ed away . She just wanna be alone. I respect her privacy.
But damn , how much I wish I could share her burden so she would at least become the usual happy , bubbly friend I've known.

I wish she doesn't give up .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why does life not have a happy ending? :\

Today was sorrowful.

Michael Jackson's daughter cried while making a speech in her father's memorial ceremony held yesterday. She claimed Michael was the best dad ever and those three words ILOVEYOU was plain but meaningful .
Ever since his death , I know all of us miss him as much as I do.
Although I have to admit , I weren't a fan of him in the past , but I realised how influential he can be. - doing moonwalk and a 45 degrees stunt . Plus his ' I'll be there ' and 'you are not alone' simply just bring the best out of all of us .

Ineedavirtualfriendwholistenstomycomplaintsandsharemypain. :

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today was filled with surprises.

I was really shocked. Never expected it. But hopefully I'm able to serve my best for the betterment of my community and my country !

Gtg doze off.

Have a Yappy time ! (: